Enrich your autumn with our training calendar

22 Sep 2021

This autumn, we’re organising various online and offline training sessions and workshops. Need tips for your digital heritage work? Interested in our educational platform? Or are you a content partner with questions about the meemoo archive system? Discover the full range of options below!

Work in the broad cultural sector?

9 November: Digital Maturity Self-Assessment Tool Workshop (link in Dutch)

In this workshop, with the help of a handy tool, you’ll discover whether your organisation is adapted to the digital reality.

Registration is open until 8 November.

23 November: Copyright Workshop (link in Dutch)

This practical workshop will help you to determine the rights status for items in your collection.

You can register until 10 November.

9 December: Digital Repair Café: workshop on capturing content from old media (link in Dutch)

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to capture content from old carriers such as computer diskettes and CD-ROMs. No prior technical knowledge is required.

As a cultural heritage organisation, do you want to digitise and convert your text documents into computer-readable text?

19 October: Transkribus Workshop (link in Dutch)

In collaboration with MoMu and Flanders Heritage Library (link in Dutch), we’re organising a workshop to provide basic training for the Transkribus platform. There will be an opportunity to visit the renovated MoMu museum immediately afterwards.

Do you manage a digital collection and you’re looking for tips to optimise how you do so? These workshops will get you started.

19 October: Coaching day: tools for digital collection management (link in Dutch)

On the coaching day, our expertise team will be ready to answer all your questions about various tools that help you manage your digital collection. Specifically, this concerns questions about CultURIze, DPFManager, MediaConch, VeraPDF, Public Domain Tool, OpenRefine, FFMPEG, VLC and Kdenlive.

You can register for these sessions until 8 October.

9 November: Digital Sustainability Scoring Model Workshop (link in Dutch)

The Digital Sustainability Scoring Model uses a detailed questionnaire to help you map out the digital sustainability of your collection. After this workshop, you’ll be able to get started on your own concrete action plan.

You can register until 26 October. Important: complete the Scoring Model two weeks before the workshop. This information will be used as input for the workshop.

Are you a meemoo content partner and user of the meemoo archive system?

20 September - 10 December: meemoo archive system (MAM) training (link in Dutch)

In these one-to-one sessions, we help you – as a new or experienced user – on your way with various aspects of the system.

Are you a teacher (in training) who’s looking for some lesson inspiration?

1 September - 30 November: The Archive for Education Workshops (link in Dutch)

Our online offering consists of hands-on workshops and quick demonstrations to help you find your way in The Archive for Education. We’re also running live workshops in each province so that you can gain teaching inspiration from our available resources.

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