Meemoo in a minute

26 Jan 2022

At meemoo, we spend every day working on the wealth of archive content and heritage on offer in Flanders. But what does that mean, exactly? We explain everything in our brand-new video.

Would you like to know, in a nutshell, what we do at meemoo? And find out about the partners and archive content we do it with? Then watch the video below and discover in just one minute what our work involves, and why and how we do it. And if this whets your appetite, you’ll find many more interesting articles to read on our website:

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We regularly choose gems like this from our content partners’ archives to showcase on our website. You’ll find several of them in the video above. What did you see, exactly?

  • ‘Landschap met boom op het voorplan’ (Landscape with tree in foreground) by Léon Spilliaert, Mu.ZEE collection, photo Cedric Verhelst,, CC0

  • ‘Onze toekomst: christen-sociaal weekblad’ (Our future: Christian-Social weekly magazine), 12 May 1918, KU Leuven,, CC0

  • ‘Het heden en verleden der gemeenten’ (The past and present of the municipalities) (1958) - Amsab Institute for Social History

  • ‘De kracht van coaching’ (The power of coaching) (2014) - Klasse

  • Elektron 2 (1982) - VRT

  • Tweede nationale bedevaart der Christelijke Mutualiteit naar O.L. Vrouw van Scherpenheuvel (Second national pilgrimage of the Christelijke Mutualiteit to O.L. Vrouw van Scherpenheuvel) (1951) - KADOC (Documentation and Research Centre on Religion, Culture and Society from KU Leuven)

  • ‘Carnaval in Gent’ (Carnival in Ghent) (1947) - House of Alijn Collection

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