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Canon Cultuurcel


2015 - ...

Literature in word and image

In 2015, the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature selected 50+1 essential works of Flemish and Dutch literature. In 2016, we collected audiovisual material on each classic for The Archive for Education, in cooperation with CANON Cultuurcel.

The power of the story

Is reading boring? Not with the Archive for Education. We bring young people into contact with the author and period of a book in an original way.

The audiovisual material consists of fragments about the author, the time frame within which the book was written, experts and readers talking about the book, more information about the themes and structure, interpretations of the book in film and theatre etc.

To this day, this is a very popular collection among teachers. The project came about in cooperation with CANON Cultuurcel and KANTL.

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Project Leader & Account Manager Education
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