Oh, Christmas tree throwing

16 Dec 2020

We’ve all put our Christmas trees up a bit earlier this year, to bring some comfort and cosiness inside and keep the cold, dark evenings out. But nothing lasts forever: in a few weeks, these same trees will lose their needles and we’ll once again be looking forward to the spring full of hope.

What will you do with your Christmas tree once it’s done its job? In many cases, the answer is simple: throw it away. Trees are then often collected together and burned, but this is no longer allowed in the Brussels municipality of Auderghem for safety reasons. So, still throw them away, they must have thought, but preferably as far as possible.

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Young and old gather at the Place Edouard Pinoy in Auderghem, with spicy mulled wine in hand, to take part or support at the Belgian Christmas tree throwing championship. Samuel became the record holder in 2015, and in this video he explains his throwing technique. His secret? A powerful sideways throw with one hand on the base of the Christmas tree, using the sliding technique – gratefully benefiting from the wet, slippery road surface. And this combination pays off: he manages to throw his tree no less than 8.83 metres.

This atmospheric report dates from 2015 and comes from the archives of our content partner BRUZZ, a Brussels media company that brings news from Brussels, including some fine cultural tips. We regularly pick gems like this out of our archive system to showcase on our website. Wishing you warm and cosy holidays!

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