More than 42,000 students can make use of The Archive for Education from home

8 Jul 2020

Following a request from ministers Jambon and Weyts in mid-March, we’ve made it possible for secondary school students to access The Archive for Education.

Together with the Department for Education and Training, we want to make extra tools available to enable distance learning. This access to educational materials remains particularly important now that schools are focussing on pre-teaching plans.

Teachers can request accounts for secondary school pupils as well as for students working towards their secondary education diploma in adult education, and more than 42,000 accounts have already been requested in total. This level of interest shows that audiovisual content has clearly found its place and usefulness in education, and can make a valuable contribution to independent distance learning.

We are therefore extending access until the end of the academic year. This will make it possible to repeat lessons together with audiovisual content once the schools reopen, and give students with no or only limited access to a computer the opportunity to complete viewing and listening assignments when restrictions are lifted.

Find your way with webinars, teaching tips and lesson ideas

In order to support teachers and students in this new way of working, the curators of The Archive for Education are providing information pages with frequently asked questions, a clear step-by-step plan and several live webinars. Meemoo is also providing teachers with a further selection of audiovisual content for specific subject areas, and has developed various lesson ideas and teaching tips for remote learning.

Discover the possibilities on The Archive for Education.

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